
Mike Viola

If someone ever decides to remake the musical Grease and replace the old tunes with newer, original material, Mike Viola's "Soundtrack of My Summer"  would be the updated version of "Sandy."  Melodically, there are plenty of similarities and the lyrical sentiment of Viola's song has that same melancholy, broken-hearted feeling of the Grease favorite.

Mike Viola is no stranger to writing songs for movies.  He has written some hilarious pop songs, including "Furry Walls" and "African Child," the controversial hits that Russell Brand's character Aldous Snow sings in the movie Get Him To The Greek.  He's also responsible for about one half of the seriously funny soundtrack to the movie Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story.

But, make no mistake, Viola is no novelty songwriter.  Keep in mind, he was hired to write ridiculous tunes for those movies. The reason the producers chose him over someone else is because he is a gifted songster who seems to come up with affecting material effortlessly.

"Soundtrack of My Summer" rides that line between solid-album track and hit song.  One thing I like about Viola is that he has an ability to trick you into thinking he's going in one direction but, instead chooses to go somewhere pleasantly different.

What do I mean by that? Well, take the first verse, for example.  It begins with "A dreamer/ Who's forgotten how to dream."  Cool.  

The next line is  "a singer..."

I'm willing to bet that most listeners will anticipate the following line to be "who's forgotten how to sing." Indeed, that would be boring and predictable. But, instead Viola cries "a singer/ when no one's listening."  Much better!

Soundtrack of My Summer by Mike Viola 

Does his voice sound familiar to you? Perhaps it's because you heard him sing lead vocals on this movie hit—which, was written by Adam Schlesinger (NOT Mike Viola)! 



Bruce Springsteen and the original—though unnamed—E-Street Band

Oh dear.  Listen up.  If you're ever in a car with me and I ask you to put this song on, please just ignore me. Sure, I'll be disappointed and I'll beg you to reconsider.  I'll try all sorts of ways to manipulate you into changing your mind.  I'll be a babbling little baby.  Let me go through it, reader.  Your life—and all our lives—are more important than me indulging in the opening track from Bruce Springsteen's 2nd Album, The Wild, The Innocent And The E-Street Shuffle.

Now if I happen to be driving, chances are we're all screwed! I will put this song on and no one will know happen next—especially me.  I will dance.  I will not stop at red lights.  I will not yield to any pedestrians.  I will exceed the speed limit, in a dangerous and reckless way.  

You see, this song does magical things for me.  And hopefully it will do magical things for you.  Indispensible.

Everybody form a line and do "The E-Street Shuffle!"

"The E-Street Shuffle"
